Well....Wat can I say D year is 2000,ActVision Nad Valve Decided 2 Make A new goldsrc engine game just 2 milk goldsrc n then they got n idea of making a half life mod simply simillar 2 cs 1.6 known as Day Of Defeat which is Valve And Activison First CoD yep u heard me right...d game takes place 1973 i think...? Between Teams like:Americans,Germans,Vietnams,n Bri'ain
U simply have sum weapons like:Mp40 Mat 49 or simply known A s Thompson,KcMl A bazooka n m40 n bunch of more d game is meant 2 b sinply sumethin as educational or wtf id even know but let me get dis straight when valve wanted 2 make csgo i simply can imagine them just putting reloading source code from dods 2 Csgo just its just so .....FFTTT AH its so depressing
That’s a name I haven’t heard for a long time.I can recall exploring the maps without never really knowing how the game worked.